The BIC Community


Billerica Islamic Center (BIC) was established in June of 2016. Our start was humble, organic and purposeful with the intention that the local Muslim community can perform 5 daily prayers in congregation, strengthen their connection with Allah Subhanahu wa tala and bring deen into their lives and the lives of their spouses, their children and the Muslim Ummah at large.

Billerica never had a Mosque before 2016 and the Muslim community had to travel to the neighboring towns. A few concerned brothers got together and decided to rent a place before Ramadan of 2016. Our first rental location was VFW Hall in Billerica and we started with hosting daily prayers, Ramadan Tarawih, Iftars, & sisters weekly halaqas.

Since the inception, the community was blessed to have local Huffaz and young Alimas. Alhamdulillah, the community immediately started attending daily prayers and participating in all religious gatherings.  Within a year, BIC was hosting daily prayers, after school Quran & Islamic Studies classes for boys & girls, week halaqas by guest speakers, sisters taleem & more.

Ma sha Allah the community is constantly growing & several Muslim families have relocated to Billerica in past few years and numbers keep increasing.